America’s Disaster Planner Pens Article for FastCasual on COVID

The unique circumstances of the COVID-19 Pandemic has provided an unprecedented challenge to restaurant operations throughout the U.S. and the world. National lockdowns followed by uneven reopening schemes and state-by-state procedural and sanitation guidance have forced management teams to quickly pivot and adapt to a rapidly evolving environment.

Successful restaurant operators will need to apply a measured approach to both disaster preparedness and recovery with the likely prospect of a “second wave” of COVID-19. This second wave, of unknown duration and severity resulting in either a regional or national outbreak in the latter part of 2020 will create a brand-new set of challenges for restaurant operators. To successfully navigate these events, operators should consider these three proven strategies to prepare for the “second wave”.


Patrick Hardy on PAlive! Disaster Planning July 6, 2020


Patrick Hardy Interviewed by Nation’s Restaurant News